301 877-8000 info@afgeneral.com
7908 Lewis Spring AveClinton, MD 20735

Drug Free Workplace


A&F General Contractor LLC is committed to a safe workplace and in trying to ensure that our employees are protected from hazards relating to the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace the following program was developed.


All applicants for employment are required to submit to a drug and alcohol test as part of their pre-employment physical. Applicants that refuse to be tested, or have diluted, out of range or have positive results are not hired. If an applicant believes that the test was incorrect they may request an additional test. The second test must be completed within 24 hours of receiving notice that they had a questionable test or tested positive. The second test must be completed at the facility selected by A&F General Contractor LLC and the cost of second test will be paid by the applicant.

Test requirements:

Employees are subject to testing for the following reasons:
• Post accident or incident – this test is required for any CDL class driver, equipment operator, employee operating a company vehicle or employee involved in an accident or incident where some one was injured.
• Employees working as CDL class drivers, Equipment Operators and employees operating any vehicle owned or leased to A&F General Contractor LLC are subject to random testing.
• All employees are subject to testing under the reasonable suspicion part of the program. Supervisors are trained in the reasonable suspicion program and procedures. Any supervisor that believes an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol may request the employee to be tested.

Test Location:

All test requested by A&F General Contractor LLC will be completed at the facility selected by A&F General Contractor LLC Supervisors requesting a test will contact the safety officer who will designate where the employee is to be taken. Employees that are suspected to be under the influence will not be permitted to drive themselves to the facility to be tested. The supervisor or a Safety person will drive the employee to the facility and remain with the employee until the medical personnel take the person for testing.